Jindent 4.2.1 released

on .

Java Formatter:
  • import declarations containing class names with underscores _ threw parse errors This is fixed.
  • Fixed JavaDoc completion bug for generic methods containing a void return type.

C/C++ Formatter:
  • Improved blank line handling before/after and inside #if, #else and #endif directives.
  • Fixed a grammar bug for short notation of String concatenations with constants like: value = MY_STRING_A MY_STRING_B;
  • Fixed parse error for 64-bit constants like: 1000000000000000ULL
  • Fixed indentation of braces { ... } for nested blocks of array initializers.
  • Fixed a grammar bug for the typename keyword in variable declarations.
  • Ternary conditions used as direct statements: condition ? callFunctionA() : callFunctionB(); threw parse error. This is fixed.
  • Improved comment handling inside array initializers.
  • Insertion of braces { ... } into single for, while, do-while and if-else statements combined with preprocessor directives could create an inconsistence output. This is fixed.
  • Insertion of parentheses ( ... ) into ternary expressions combined with preprocessor directives could create an inconsistence output. This is fixed.

Jindent Customizer:
  • Fixed preview files of the whites spaces section of the C/C++ formatter.