Jindent 4.0.9 released

on .

Java formatter:
New features:
  • Added new settings to control blank lines after instance and static initalizers.
  • To handle bigger Java source files by default the initial Java heap space of native Jindent exe files and execution scripts is now set to 256MB.
  • Since Jindent version 4.0.8 a bug in Jindent's Java token manager slowed down formatting of big Java files and disabled recognition of empty method declarations. This is fixed now.
  • The XML Bean encoder of Java 6.0 has changed its policy to access getters of boolean bean properties. This affects Jindent's sorting tree elements and causes a partial loss of Jindent's configuration data while saving settings. This is fixed now.
  • In some special cases Jindent's alignment algorithm removed white spaces from nested ternary expressions. This is fixed now.
  • Outdent of commented out Java source code did still not work properly. This is finally fixed now.
  • Fixed a grammar bug for combinations of Annotations and final modifiers in parameter declarations of methods and constructors.
  • Saving of encoding settings did not work properly if selected encoding was the same as the system's default encoding. This is fixed.
  • Block comments beginning with an html tag like: /*<tag> ... were not recognized correctly. This is fixed.
  • Fixed some minor GUI layouting issues.
Java/SQLJ formatter:
  • Blank lines after SQLJ statements did not work. This is fixed now.
Jindent Eclipse plugin:
New features:
  • Added new feature to automatic format Java content after opening in Eclipse editor window and before saving Java content from editor window.
  • Since the JRE 1.5.0 Update 07 release Mac OS supports a proper AWT-SWT bridge. The Jindent plugin is now able to embed Jindent's preference panels into the Eclipse SWT GUI.