Jindent 5.0.0 released

on .

Java Formatter:
New features:
  • Added support for the new Java 8 language features:
    • Lambda Expressions
    • Method references
    • Default methods
    • Repeating Annotations
    • Improved type inference
  • Added new sorting options to group import declarations.
  • Added new sorting options to group getter and setter methods for bean attributes.
  • Added a lot of new line wrapping settings to improve formatting of builder patterns and fluent interfaces:
    • Added new line wrapping settings always, if line exceeds and never to wrap and indent boolean conditions for && and ||.
    • New line wrapping and alignment of chained method calls.
    • New line wrapping and alignment of nested method calls.
  • Added setting to enable/disable creations of JavaDoc comments for methods marked by @Override annotations.
  • Fixed memory leak for very large files creating a lot of warning issues.
  • 'Maximal gap' settings were not ignored for 'wrapping initializers to the right side'. This is fixed now.
  • Fixed 'shifted' formatting output for code lines forced to be wrapped by comments.

C Formatter:
New features:
  • Added new formatting setting to indent preprocessor directives relatively to the corresponding source code.
  • Added new formatting settings to get more control about line wrapping of nested method calls.
  • Added settings to format and delete Doxygen comments.
  • Fixed grammar bug for types used as macro parameters.
  • Fixed memory leak for very large files creating a lot of warning issues.
  • Fixed 'shifted' formatting output for code lines forced to be wrapped by comments.

C++ Formatter:
New features:
  • Added new setting to indent preprocessor directives relatively to the corresponding source code.
  • Added new setting to enable/disable indentation of namespaces.
  • Added support for QT keywords signals and slots.
  • Added new formatting settings to get more control about line wrapping of nested method calls.
  • Added settings to format and delete Doxygen comments.
  • Fixed grammar bug for types used as macro parameters.
  • Fixed alignment of assigned enum constants
  • Fixed memory leak for very large files creating a lot of warning issues.
  • Fixed 'shifted' formatting output for code lines forced to be wrapped by comments.

Jindent Customizer:
New features:
  • Added tooltips with detailed descriptions to sorting trees.
  • Removed tab sections and added new sub nodes to the settings tree control.

Jindent Eclipse Plugin:
New features:
  • Added support for the latest Eclipse releases 4.3.x (Kepler), 4.4.x (Luna) and 4.5.x (Mars)
  • Moved storing of Jindent settings from user's home folder to Eclipse's workspace location.

Jindent Netbeans Plugin:
  • Added support for Netbeans 8.1
  • Fixed deadlock bug when triggering format-on-save events.
  • Fixed flickering of editor content update.
  • Formatting now preserves breakpoints.

Jindent JDeveloper Plugin:
Added support for JDeveloper up to

Jindent IntelliJ IDEA Plugin:
New features:
  • Added support for IntelliJ IDEA 14
  • Added 'format on save' support
  • Fixed colors of Jindent's reporting panel and syntax highlighting to work properly with 'Darcula' theme.

JavaHelp System:
  • Fixed opening of JavaHelp dialog on right multi-user screen.