Jindent does not format certain files and shows error message Java Error: null or Java Error: OutOfMemoryException. How can I fix this?
Jindent does not format certain files and shows error message Java Error: null or Java Error: OutOfMemoryException. How can I fix this?
By default Jindent's Java VM will be started with
To enable more heap size start Jindent with the following command line parameters:
of heap size. For some reasons Jindent run into a memory issue and need more heap size. This can happen if you format huge Java files or if you format a lot of files which generate a huge amount of messages.To enable more heap size start Jindent with the following command line parameters:
- Invoking Jindent as pure Java program:
java -Xms256M -Xmx256M Jindent ...
- Invoking Jindent as exe file or execution script:
Jindent -J-Xms256M -J-Xmx256M ...
- Saturday, 13 April 2013
- Posted in: General
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