
Jindent 4.2.3 released

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Java Formatter:
  • Jindent's Java formatter complained about a missing blank line setting: Cannot find setting: java.doNotInsertBlankLinesBeforeFirstLineComments. This is fixed.

Jindent 4.2.2 released

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C/C++ Formatter:
New features:
  • Added support for alignment of parameter declarations which are always wrapped to a new line.
  • Added exception rule to suppress insertion of blank lines for comments appearing in the first line of source code. That way 3rd party tools using these special first line comments won't be confused by extra blank line insertions anymore.
  • Added grammar support for struct and union inside function declarations.
  • Fixed grammar issue for function definitions within parameters: void myFunction( int (*f)(const char * pArg) ) { ... }
  • Fixed grammar issue for declaration specifiers in type definitions like: typedef unsigned __int64 myUint64_t;
  • Fixed grammar issue for macro definitions appearing in class specifiers.
  • Fixed grammar issue for hexadecimal escaping in characters, for instance: char ch = '\x0C'.
  • Fixed grammar issue for recognition of local variables.
  • Fixed extra blank line insertion bug for keyword LOCAL.

Jindent Customizer:
  • Fixed support for Java 7:
    • ClassCastException was thrown under Java 7 Runtime Environment. This is fixed.
    • Preview of line wrapping features were messed up. This is fixed too.

Jindent 4.2.1 released

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Java Formatter:
  • import declarations containing class names with underscores _ threw parse errors This is fixed.
  • Fixed JavaDoc completion bug for generic methods containing a void return type.

C/C++ Formatter:
  • Improved blank line handling before/after and inside #if, #else and #endif directives.
  • Fixed a grammar bug for short notation of String concatenations with constants like: value = MY_STRING_A MY_STRING_B;
  • Fixed parse error for 64-bit constants like: 1000000000000000ULL
  • Fixed indentation of braces { ... } for nested blocks of array initializers.
  • Fixed a grammar bug for the typename keyword in variable declarations.
  • Ternary conditions used as direct statements: condition ? callFunctionA() : callFunctionB(); threw parse error. This is fixed.
  • Improved comment handling inside array initializers.
  • Insertion of braces { ... } into single for, while, do-while and if-else statements combined with preprocessor directives could create an inconsistence output. This is fixed.
  • Insertion of parentheses ( ... ) into ternary expressions combined with preprocessor directives could create an inconsistence output. This is fixed.

Jindent Customizer:
  • Fixed preview files of the whites spaces section of the C/C++ formatter.

Jindent 4.2.0 released

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Java Formatter:
New features:
  • Added support for the new Java 7 language features:
    • Binary literals
    • Underscores in binary and numeric literals
    • Strings in switch statements
    • Type inference for generic instance creation (diamond)
    • The try-with-resources statement
    • Catching multiple exception types
  • Added support for reading UTF-8 encoded source files with bom.

C/C++ Formatter:
New features:
  • Completely new support for preprocessor directives, especially for #if #else directives. Jindent is now able to handle all kind of complex #if #else combinations.
  • Added some new blank line settings to control preprocessor directives.
  • Added support for reading UTF-8 encoded source files with bom.
  • Fixed a lot of grammar issues.

Jindent Customizer:
  • Modifying of input/output encoding did not work properly. Encoding was sometimes changed back to default system encoding. This is fixed.

Jindent Netbeans Plugin:
Added new support for Netbeans 7

Jindent Eclipse:
Added new support for Eclipse 3.7

Jindent 4.1.1 released

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C/C++ Formatter:
New features:
  • Added new detailed blank line settings to control preprocessor directives.
  • Added new whitespace settings.
  • Added new line wrapping settings.
  • Added formatting option to put each enum constant in a new line.
  • Added new exception rule to skip formatting of specific comments.
  • Fixed alignment of comments for closing braces.
  • Fixed a lot of grammar issues.
  • Fixed some blank line formatting issues regarding preprocessor directives.
  • Multiple header block comments in one source file were not formatted correctly. This is fixed.

Java Formatter:
New features:
  • Added formatting option to put each enum constant in a new line.
  • Added new exception rule to skip formatting of specific comments.
  • Fixed alignment of comments for closing braces.
  • Multiple header block comments in one source file were not formatted correctly. This is fixed.

Jindent Console Application:
  • Fixed -copy of resources feature for Jindent command line tool.

Jindent Customizer:
  • Improved grouping of white space settings.

Jindent Eclipse Plugin:
  • Jindent's preferences preview dialog caused a GUI deadlock on Java 5 used on Windows 7 and Ubuntu. The preview screen is now embedded.

Jindent IntelliJ IDEA Plugin:
Added new support for IntelliJ IDEA 10.0